Pregnancy Tips

What May Cause My Baby To Come Early?

What May Cause My Baby To Come Early?

June 4, 2015

Every year, the Center for Diseases (CDC) reports that there are nearly 450,000 babies born prematurely in the United States. That’s 1 in every 9 babies born before 37 weeks. There are a number of health risks involved with delivering a child this early in the pregnancy, including breathing problems, developmental delays and even death. […]

How To Prepare For Your C-Section Delivery

How To Prepare For Your C-Section Delivery

June 1, 2015

If you are planning in advance to deliver your baby via a cesarean section, you have the luxury of planning your due date and fully preparing yourself before welcoming your new addition into the world. However, having a C-section means you will be under heavy sedation during delivery and you will likely stay in the […]

How to Prevent Stretch Marks

How to Prevent Stretch Marks

May 25, 2015

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to your body. While it’s a fun and exciting time, not all of those changes are welcome — particularly those stretch marks that can begin to form around your stomach. While stretch marks are perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of, many women would prefer not to have […]

How Much Weight Should I Gain While Pregnant?

How Much Weight Should I Gain While Pregnant?

May 21, 2015

To say your body will experience a few changes during pregnancy is an understatement. As your body prepares to bring a little one into this world, you’ll experience a laundry list of physical changes. While some of the changes are great (hello, thicker and shinier hair!), some of them aren’t as welcomed — like weight […]

The Danger of Smoking While Pregnant

The Danger of Smoking While Pregnant

May 18, 2015

When you’re pregnant, everything that goes into your body goes into your baby’s body as well. Suddenly, it’s not only your health that is important, but also your child’s. Cigarettes contain 4,000 chemicals, 43 of which have been linked to cancer. While cigarettes are harmful for adults, they are even more dangerous to fetuses. The […]

Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Cravings?

Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Cravings?

May 4, 2015

Pickles and ice cream may not sound like a great combination, but when you’re pregnant, it’s the perfect midnight snack. We all hear about those bizarre foods women crave when they’re expecting, but what do their bodies actually need? Is there any reason to suddenly desire cheese whiz on your pasta? Find out exactly what […]

Can I Safely Lose Weight While Pregnant?

Can I Safely Lose Weight While Pregnant?

April 28, 2015

While pregnancy is certainly not the ideal time to begin a new weight loss regimen, there are ways to healthily monitor your weight while pregnant. Some women may become pregnant while in the process of losing weight and it’s perfectly understandable to want to maintain the loss. Similarly, women who are already at their ideal […]

What to Expect During Your Second Trimester

What to Expect During Your Second Trimester

April 1, 2015

The second trimester of your pregnancy is an exciting time! Not only will you be able to find out the baby’s gender, but the unpleasant symptoms from your first trimester are likely fading away. But, while you may feel back to your old self, your body is still changing every day and you may start […]

Why Do My Breasts Itch?

Why Do My Breasts Itch?

March 27, 2015

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, but along with the excitement comes some not-so-pleasant symptoms, like itchy breasts. This itching can become a nuisance, but luckily, it’s usually no reason to be concerned. Here’s everything you need to know about that itch and how you can get some relief: […]

Am I in Labor?

Am I in Labor?

March 23, 2015

 4 Signs You’re About to Go Into Labor There comes a point when every pregnancy turns into a waiting game. You’ve read all the books and baby-proofed the house; all that’s missing is your little bundle of joy! Around this time, women start thinking that every kick or pain is labor. But how can you […]