Pregnancy Tips

Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate

July 16, 2021

July is National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month.  Cleft and craniofacial conditions affect thousands of infants, children, teens, and adults in the United States every year.  Cleft lip and cleft palate generally occur when a baby’s lips and mouth do not form properly during pregnancy. But why does it occur? There really isn’t […]

Cord Blood Banking

July 8, 2021

When you are expecting, there is generally a long list of things you need to accomplish or make a decision about prior to welcoming the newest member of your family.  Have you heard other mothers talking about cord blood banking or is this your first time hearing about it? With July being Cord Blood Awareness […]

Genetic Testing

June 17, 2021

Have you been considering genetic testing but not entirely sure of what all is entailed?  If you are concerned about passing on a genetic condition to your child, then you may want to consider some genetic testing options. What is genetic testing? Genetic testing is a type of medical test that looks for changes in […]

Fetal Development At A Glance

May 1, 2021

Pregnancy can be such a fun experience and you may have questions as your pregnancy goes along. When can I hear the heartbeat? When do their fingers and toes develop? Let’s see if we can cover some of those questions as we go over fetal development at a glance.  Conception Congratulations!  You are pregnant!  During […]

Are You Considering Freezing Your Eggs?

March 26, 2021

What is egg freezing? Egg freezing or oocyte cryopreservation gives women the opportunity for a pregnancy to occur in the future.  The process involves harvesting, freezing, and storing eggs to later be used for in vitro fertilization once you are ready to have a baby.   During the egg freezing process, unfertilized eggs are extracted from […]


Should I Choose a Midwife?

March 12, 2021

A midwife is a highly trained health professional who assists healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies. Midwives can help to deliver babies in a number of locations and generally find that birthing centers or in the hospital to be the safest options. Women who select a midwife to help […]

Pregnant & Preparing For Baby

February 24, 2021

Pregnancy and preparing for a baby can be fun and also a little overwhelming.  There are so many great products out there for your newborn and there are also a lot of unnecessary products.  Determining what you will need for your new arrival can be a bit of a challenge.  We will go over some […]

Relieving Stress During Pregnancy

January 29, 2021

Pregnancy can be a very exciting time and at times it can also be very stressful.  There are so many changes going on with your body and your lifestyle.  It all can be overwhelming.  Not to stress you out even more, but dealing with severe stress levels may affect your pregnancy.  Being in a severe […]

What Does Exercise Look Like While You Are Pregnant?

January 13, 2021

Want to know more about exercising while you are pregnant?  There are plenty of fun and safe exercises to do while you are pregnant.  First, always consult with your doctor prior to starting any new exercise programs. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has a great list of Frequently Asked Questions to review as […]

Hypothyroidism Pregnancy

Hypothyroidism & Pregnancy

November 24, 2020

Finding out you’re pregnant comes with many emotions. Depending on the person and her circumstances, these may include shock, happiness, and maybe even a little bit of fear about the unknown. And if you have an underlying health condition — such as hypothyroidism — you may be wondering how it could affect your pregnancy and […]