
What to Know About Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

May 24, 2016

What to Know About Anti-Wrinkle Treatments: Injections, Fillers and Natural Remedies

Not only do we want to feel good and healthy, but we also want to look good. This is a universal desire, and one that changes through every stage of our life. At OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch, we are there for women at every stage of their life. From your first conversation about birth control to your menopause questions, we are here to make you feel special, cared for and important at every stage of your life. One way we do this is by offering a wide range of noninvasive procedures that will take years off your face.

Here’s what you need to know about Anti-Wrinkle Treatments…

There’s No Need to Worry:

Many women get nervous at the thought of facial injections, but let us assure you, there is no need to worry. We will talk you through every procedure and make sure you understand every aspect of the wrinkle-refining treatments. We also provide a spa-like environment so you feel pampered, relaxed and happy about your procedure.


Injectables are typically used to get rid of lines and wrinkles between the eyes, across the forehead and around the eyes.

Botox® and Xeomin®

This is how it works: Botulinum toxin injection works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles and blocking muscle contractions under the skin. This eliminates or drastically reduces lines and wrinkles from your face. Botox® and Xeomin® are some of the most popular injectables used. They reduce wrinkles around the mouth, between the brows and on the forehead.


Collagen keeps the skin plump and firm. When we’re young, we naturally produce collagen. However, as we get older our natural collagen production dwindles. This leaves us losing volume in our face. Luckily, cosmetic fillers can restore the collagen of our youth.

Juvederm® and Voluma®

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) are used to treat medium to deep facial wrinkles. Many people use these fillers in the area below their nose that leads to the corners of their mouth. They can also be used for your forehead and to contour your jawline. HA fillers typically last around a year.

Here are the Hyaluronic Acid fillers that we offer:

– Juvederm® Ultra
– Juvederm® Ultra Plus
– Juvederm® Voluma XC


This collagen booster tells your skin to naturally make its own collagen again. This type of filler contains calcium-based microspheres. They work super fast and you’ll start feeling and looking younger right away!

Synthetic wrinkle fillers work best with deep wrinkles. They’re typically used for areas around the mouth. This procedure leaves your skin looking and feeling younger for up to a year.

Not Ready for Wrinkle-Refining Techniques? Try These Natural Remedies

Walk it Out:

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, walking helps you stay positive and, relieves symptoms of depression and can even make you look and feel younger. Walking can also reduce stress and help you sleep more deeply and restfully.

OilsCoconut Oil:

Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and can prevent the formation of early aging. It’s a natural skin moisturizer and contains emollient, which helps reduce wrinkles that have already developed. Massage coconut oil into your skin before bed each night.


Our skin is a combination of proteins, water and fats. It only makes sense that we need to eat healthy food for replenishment.

  • Almonds have skin-plumping and hydrating fats with vitamin E and powerful antioxidants.
  • Blueberries have a powerful combination of antioxidants and collagen.
  • Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C. They also have lycopene, which protects our skin from sun damage. Tomatoes improve our vascular system, giving our skin that natural glow due to the extra blood circulation.

To learn more about the benefits of superfoods, check out this blog → 10 Superfoods To Help Your Heart, Kidneys and Bladder.

These natural remedies are more lifestyle habits that will improve your overall health, outlook and aging process. We are passionate about keeping all of our patients happy and healthy, whichever way they choose.

Call OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch for a Healthy Glow

At OB-GYN Women’s Centre of Lakewood Ranch, we want all of our patients to feel happy, healthy and powerful at all stages of their life. We hope you enjoyed reading about some of our anti-aging treatments as well as some lifestyle habits that contribute to healthy skin and a happy life. Call us today for any questions about our wrinkle refining treatments.

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